Bridgeport Reservoir Fish Report- Update by Eric \"Otis\" Hein 7-4-09

The Trout Fitter Staff

Report Date:

Water Conditions:

The water in the reservoir is very clear, and levels are high which makes for perfect fishing conditions here!

Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Excellent

Fishing is as good as it gets!

Recommended Flies:

Damsels in yellow or light green #14 - #16. Callibaitis Poxyback, Hares Ears, Pheasant tails all in #14 - #16 Scuds, Waterboatmans, Punk Perch all in #14 - #16 as well.

Midges- Zebras, Copper Tiger, Chartreuse in #12 - #18 Tan or Gold in #14 Stripping Doublebunnys, Punk Perch, Olive or brown Wooleybuggers, Mohair Leeches (small) in brown, orange, or olive is another highly effective method right now.

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